
Status : CLOSE

Price List

TypePrice ($)Price (Rp)
Headshot/icon15 USDIDR 90k
Bust-Up25 USDIDR 150k
Halfbody35 USDIDR 200k
Knee-Up40 USDIDR 230k
Additional character will cost 80% base price.
Simple background and accessories are free.
Additional background, complicated accessories and clothing design will charge 5-30$ / IDR 30-150k depends on complexity.
You can always discuss with me about your budget before we start.

Terms of Service

○ㅤㅤPrice for personal use only. Any commercial use please discuss with me.
○ㅤㅤPayment method via BCA, Gopay and Paypal Invoice.
Upfront payment system. I will start working on the sketch after you pay (DP/full).
○ㅤㅤEstimated time will take 2 - 4 weeks for each slot. I have to prioritize my college and health so please let me draw in my own pace. If you have any deadline, let me know so I can take it into account.
○ㅤㅤRevision only during sketch and base color. My working progress can be seen via Google Sheet.
Booking slot/waitlist are free. If I'm unavailable to working on your comms at the moment due to queue or commission close, you can pay after I tell you I'm available.
No refunds/cancellations if you have booked a waitlist. But if you want to reschedule that is fine by me.
○ㅤㅤI have the right to decline your request if I think it's beyond my skills.
My art is in colored sketch style so probably will a little bit messy in the beginning but I will make it up during the rendering stage.
○ㅤㅤThe result (low quality plus watermark) will be posted on my social media/carrd as my portofolio. Let me know if you want to keep it private.
Any couples/shipsFury/mecha/inhuman
kissing scene/sexy clothes*Nude
Simple bg or blurry scene*Detailed bg*


1. DM me through my social media and ask if there any slots available.2. Send me detailed information what to draw; pose, expression, color, clothes vibes, etc. (best in picture) but a description alone will be fine.3. After I accept your commission, I will send you the total as well as the payment account.4. After you pay (DP/full), I will give you queue number and start working on the sketch.5. Please be patient and cooperate with me. I'll give you the link to Google Sheet so you can check your commission progress.6. Final result with and without background will be sent through Google Drive after you complete your payment.